Kevin B. Casey, Business Manager
>As I sit here and write this article for the Conduit, it is the last week in January. The holidays are behind us and we are into a new year. 2020 was a horrible year with the coronavirus starting to rage in March and still not under control as of today. With the vaccines starting to be distributed; hopefully, we can start to get back to normal in
2021. Though 2020 was a tough year because of the virus, it was a very good year for employment. Work hours in 2020 should be as good or better than 2019 and 2021 is starting off great with over 60 travelers working in the jurisdiction. With the Islander Stadium at Belmont, the Long Island Railroad work, the solar farm in Calverton, all the hospital work, and many other sizeable jobs, we should be putting out travelers for a while.
We now have a new President of the United States. Joe Biden will be a union-friendly president. He has already proven this by picking Marty Walsh as his Secretary of Labor. Marty Walsh was the mayor of Boston since 2014. Before becoming mayor, he was the president of the Laborers Local 223, and was also the secretary treasurer of the Boston Building Trades Council. Positions Marty held before becoming mayor of Boston. This is great for the union movement, and especially for the Building Trades to have one of our own as Labor Secretary.
We also have had some changes here at the local; Margaret Rivers the long-time Local 25 President’s administrative assistant has retired. Also, Jim Wisdom will be retiring in March. Jim has been organizing contractors for Local 25 since 2003. Over the years Jim has organized dozens of contractors, and he will be sorely missed. Jim’s replacement will be Brother Tom Lawless. Tom has been a 3-term Executive Board member, Shop Steward and Foreman. Anybody that knows Tom, knows that he has the drive and passion to do the job. Tom will be a great addition to the Business Office staff. With Tom coming into the office, it left a vacancy on the Executive Board. The Executive Board has unanimously voted to have Brother Bob Connors fill the position on the Executive Board. Bob is a past Examining Board member, Shop Steward, and Foreman. Bob is always down at the hall helping at all the functions. Bob will do a great job filling the Executive Board position.
Most of the union hall renovations are just about complete. The
new awning in the back of the hall that replaced the old blue awning should be completed by the February union meeting.
Brothers and Sisters, that ends my report for this article of the Conduit. Remember to work safe, turn off energized circuits and always stay united out there.