Kevin B. Casey, Business Manager
President Biden Recognizes IBEW in Ida Power Restoration Work
President Biden called out the necessity of IBEW linemen following the Category 4 hurricane that smashed into NewOrleans and continued to menace the country’s interior before inundating New York and New Jersey with massive flooding.
In a meeting that included Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm andutility officials, “the president thanked the IBEW for the vital worktheir members perform, especially during emergencies such as Idawhere they run toward the storm while others are being urged toevacuate,” said a White House statement
Miles of electrical transmission and distribution lines were damagedin the storm, increasing the importance of the infrastructurelegislation awaiting action in the House of Representatives. TheBipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act passed by theSenate on Aug. 9 includes $110 billion for grid upgrades and $29N for reliability and resilience.