Kevin B. Casey, Business Manager
Welcome to IBEW Local 25!
We are the men and women of IBEW Local 25 We are two thousand people who have earned our living and raised our families by working in the unionized electrical construction, maintenance, and telecommunications industries on Long Island. We are your Sunday school teachers, your volunteer firemen, your civic leaders - we are the fabric of Long Island.
Local 25 has been on Long Island since 1932. We have many faces. Sometimes we are a second or third generation of craftsman whose forefathers founded our local. Sometimes we are a new recruit who came into the organization from one of the surrounding communities and sometimes we are a newly organized electrician. We have many faces - but one voice. We pride ourselves on being the finest craftspeople in the world. We are committed to ongoing training to keep our skills on the razor's edge of the newest technology, as well as passing down our knowledge to the next generation of electricians. We stand for decent wages and innovative benefits so that our members can live the American Dream. We welcome you, please click here to learn more about us.
Kevin B. Casey, Business Manager
Selected Articles from The Latest Conduits Are Now Posted, Members Please Log-in Here to view the latest articles!
President Joe Biden electrified the IBEW Convention in Chicago on May 11, drawing thunderous cheers for infrastructure projects that will employ IBEW members far into the future, championing unions like none of his predecessors, fighting to cut taxes for working families and make billionaires pay their fair share, among other historic progress and plans for a better, more just America."The only reason I’m standing here now as president of the United States is because the IBEW came on with me early,” Biden said as he arrived on stage at the 40th International Convention to a raucous standing... Read More
Vice President Kamala Harris traveled to Durham, N.C. to call for more unionization in the state.“To continue our recovery, we must then create more good-paying jobs, good union jobs. In big cities and small towns across our country, union workers are building the future,” Harris said in her Durham speech, where she was joined by Labor Secretary Marty Walsh.Alvin Warwick Jr., Winston-Salem Local 342 business manager, had the opportunity to meet with them on their visit.Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm joined IBEW members for a roundtable in Lexington, Ken. where she met with... Read More
U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai met with business and labor leaders at the Port of Baltimore on March 21 to discuss Atlantic trade with her counterpart from the United Kingdom.Discussions over terms of a bilateral trade agreement between the two countries under consideration previously changed when the Biden administration took over, said Baltimore Local 24 President Sam Curreri.Curreri said he was glad to participate in talks representing labor in a global trade setting and cautioned that even industrialized countries like the United States and the United Kington need to be mindful... Read More
The opportunity to bask in the glow of appreciation for working people does not come often, particularly in the presence of high-ranking elected officials, including the President of the United States.But that’s where Duluth, Minn., Local 242 President Kyle Bukovich found himself on March 2 at the University of Wisconsin-Superior with President Joe Biden, first lady Jill Biden, Sens. Amy Klobuchar, Tina Smith (both from Minnesota), and Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin.“It was great to be in the same room to be with so many legislators and elected officials who fully support unions and the working... Read More
Just in time for the flow of resources to fulfill the promises of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act signed on Nov. 15, the White House is amplifying how to capitalize on the historic funding opportunities.Each project in the largest ever investment in transit, broadband rail and clean energy will come through state, local and tribal governments. This guidebook supplies government leaders with application details, key dates and explanations of available funding for particular programs. A companion site on is a searchable database of programs. Both will be updated... Read More
Modernizing the electric grid. Decarbonizing transportation. Investing in the future. Good job opportunities for Americans. All are moving forward with the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the largest infrastructure law in generations – and with it jobs for IBEW members in nearly every branch.On Facebook Live, President Stephenson and U.S. Rep. Cheri Bustos, who represents President Stephenson’s hometown of Rock Island, Ill., recently discussed the bright future of the nation’s infrastructure – and the union workforce that the bill will put to work. President Stephenson... Read More
The Biden administration is taking a new approach to the tons of spent nuclear fuel temporarily housed at nuclear plants across the country. The Department of Energy has announced a search for willing communities to store the nuclear waste after abandoning the decades-long effort to designate Nevada’s Yucca Mountain as a repository following local opposition.“Hearing from and then working with communities interested in hosting one of these facilities is the best way to finally solve the nation’s spent nuclear fuel management issues,” Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm said in a statement... Read More
A task force created by President Biden in the early days of his administration to promote worker organizing and collective bargaining has produced a report with nearly 70 recommendations. “The Biden-Harris Administration believes that increasing worker organizing and empowerment is critical to growing the middle class, building an economy that puts workers first, and strengthening our democracy,” the report says. The 46-page report outlines federal policies, practices and programs to promote the Biden administration’s policy of support for worker power. It also connects the relatively low... Read More
At a roundtable with union leaders, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken pledged that new trade pacts and related foreign policy will help American workers.“Our domestic competitiveness, our national security, and a thriving middle class are mutually reinforcing,” Blinken said. “We want to make sure that we’re engaged in an innovation economy that delivers for workers across the country.”He spoke with a group that included now-retired Pittsburgh Local 5 Business Manager Mike Dunleavy and representatives from the Steelworkers, Teamsters, United Food and Commercial Workers, Communications... Read More
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